Yesterday I went on a trip offered by the QUT. We got up very early in the morning to catch the bus that left downtown. After 1,5 hours of travel we arrived at the Wildlife sanctuary. I can't remember the name right now. Anyway, I got to see Kagaroos, Tazmanian Devils, deadly Snakes (Taipan), Koalas and many more. So that was interesting, even though I expected a little more. The park is quite small.
After about 2 hours in the park, we took our buses to Coolongata, which is a nice little town at the Gold coast. There we had a decent lunch and a nice walk at the beach.
The trip ended with a quick visit at Surfers Paradise, where Henrik (Sweden) and I took a bath in the ocean.
After we got back we had a nice party at our house and a lot of goon (cheap wine).
Na, wie gefällt dir mein "altes Zuhause"? =) Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary war das und Sugar Glider das Tier. Habs eben nachgeguckt, weil wir es in Sydney in der freien Wildbahn gesucht hatten. =)
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