Samstag, 10. Juli 2010

The first couple of days


This blog is meant to be a memory of half a year, that I spent abroad in Down Under. It also is a nice little excercise for me. Since all of my friends are familiar with the english language, there shouldn't be any problems understanding.

The Flight

After saying goodbye to my lovely girlfriend in Hannover, I took to train to Frankfurt in the morning of July the 1st 2010. In Frankfurt I had to spend quite some time sitting around reading until finally the first plane took off towards Bangkok.

A nice 12 hour flight lay ahead. Then some good news! The entire entertainment system broke down and we were not able to watch a single fu**ing movie! So it was me reading again. Couldn't sleep at all.

When we finally reached Bangkok I was happy to be able to walk for a while. The Airport is huge. It took me about half an hour to get to the Gate for my sencond flight to Brisbane. There I had to wait for another hour until boarding started.

After flying over Sydney and a short stop there, I finally arrived half dead and filthy in Brissie. I was happy to find my luggage in a good condition and started walking towards the exit. After walking around, withdrawing my first australian money from an ATM, I found to guy, who was supposed to pick me up from QUT. That's when I first met Sanna Anderson, who also came on the same plane and was also staying in the same hostel - the YHA.

In Brisbane

We became friends very fast, due to being in the exact same situation. Sanna is from Sweden and VERY talkactive, which is funny.

<-- Sanna in the center of Queen Street, Brisbane.

We met Greg Rushton at the freezing cold pool up top of the YHA. He is from Canada and a really cool guy.

The university I am going to, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), is located in the very center of Brisbane. Right next to it there is a botanic garden, which is very nice to spend some time in. But one has to be careful - there are lots of crows, ravens and other dangerous birds that are after your food. Sanna's sandwich got taken right out of her hand.

Amazing view from the balcony of our hostel (YHA)

Gardens Point Campus (QUT) right in the middle of Brisbane

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