Sonntag, 29. August 2010

Byron Bay

29th of August, 2010:

This Weekend two friends (Benedikt & Chris, Ger) and me went to Byron Bay, which is a small town about two hours south of Brisbane. It is also the most easterly Point of the australian Mainland.

We started off on Friday at noon and took a shuttle bus from Brisbane, which was quite expensive ($60 return). Since Byron Bay is in another State (New South Wales not Queensland) there is no really good way of going by train. So the fastest way was this very shuttle bus, which took us to the town center.

When we arrived in Byron, we went to Woolworth to get supplies for our 3-day-stay. Right after that we were looking for a cheap hostel; the other guys were not keen on camping :-(
After a short while we found a nice looking place, which also proved to be cheap ($23/night/person). Since we really wanted to get to the beach and the "Main Beach Hostel" was very close to the beach, we stayed. The hostel proved to be a "Shithole". Well, I guess it was okay for 2 nights, but I wouldn't recommend it to friends. Dirty 8-bed-rooms, cold showers, smelly toilets and lots of freaky (but funny) hippie-like-pot-smoking-fithly-lookin'-rhasta-headed surfer-guys. Actually, Byron Bay was full of these people.

Byron Bay and Brisbane are totally different. At night everyone is out partying in various clubs (Cheeky Monkey, Cocomangas) or bars (like the Artfactory). Of course we had to party both nights, which was fun, but nothing special, I thought. So I didn't stay out long. I was rather keen on relaxing at the beach (reading my new book: Ken Follett - Pillars of the earth) and going on little hiking trips. I guess, I really missed not beeing able to share impressions with my girlfriend this weekend.

On Sunday morning, we went on a little hike to the "most easterly point of the australian mainland" and to the Byron Bay Lighthouse. That was very nice. I just love being surrounded by the nature. Byron really has an amazing beach, the view from the lighthouse (Cape Byron) is just breathtaking. Finally, after 1,5 days of laying on the beach and a little bit of drinking and partying, the trip really paid off!

Nice surf spots. I want to buy a cheap surf board!!!

A beatiful walkway along the cliffs towards the Lighthouse.

So far east. It's windy and my hair is getting long, okay?!

Sonntag, 15. August 2010

Springbrook National Park

15th of August, 2010

This weekend "the Pope" (Benedikt) and me rented a car each and took six other friends to the Springbrook National Park (south west of Brisbane). We decided to go hiking again. As usual the trip proved to be a real success. It's always nice to get out of the city and simply enjoy the fantastic australian nature.

The Springbrook NP is a lot smaler than the neighboring Lamington NP but quite a lot prettier. We decided to stay over night on a very small campgound in the midst of the NP. The evening after a 6- hour- hike was a lot of fun. Of course we brought some drinks and nice food (hamburgers - a bbq was available). Yet we didn't take into the account that it was going to be a lot colder than on North Stradbroke Island, so I ALMOST FROZE TO DEATH. I only took my summer sleeping back and a bunch of t-shirts for the next day. Big mistake. It was -3 dregrees and everything froze. I tried to survive alone in my little tent (the other person I was going to share my tent with flew into some kind of tent).

After some hours of hopeless attempt to find sleep, I decided to squeeze into the 3-person tent of my friends, which was already occupied by four others. We managed to fit all the five of us. Even though it was much warmer, sleep was hardly possible. Next time I will be smarter!

Satarday morning we went on another small hike, which was less fun due to my pityfull condition after the restless night before.

We decided to drive to Coolangatta - a nice beach - to spend the afternoon in the sun. When we got there I was happy to find ALDI and bought German bread, cheese, sausages and so on. Since it was very windy and cold at the beach, we only stayed 2 hours in C. and then made our way home to Brisbane.

It was a fun trip and I enjoyed being the driver, as usual, since I was the only one with enough space in our little rental cars.

Hey Sina and Jolle! In my desperate situation I had to find some substitutes for you guys. Hope you don't mind :-p

Don't let me off the leash!

Lots of caves, tunnels and big rocks.

Under a waterfall. Beautiful. Sadly, Caro was not with me.

We had a beautiful BBQ this night. A real feast.

And again some really ugly rainforest pictures.

Uncountable waterfalls on the way.

This time we made it before dark. Last time was just too scary in the Lamington National Park.

Alex (Denmark) has become a dear friend and a true globetrotter. He has been everywhere in the world. Our two rental cars in the background and some random people :-p

Our campsite: We are starting to fight off the oncoming cold with goon and other drugs. Up to now everything is okay. A horrorable night lies ahead of us.

In the morning. Fog and frost as far as the eye can see!

Kookaburra, also known as "lachender Hans" (see wikipedia). Makes strange noises.

In the morning.

Great lookout. Gold coast.

A billabong. Some crazy aussies went in.

Donnerstag, 12. August 2010

11th of August, 2010:

After a nice little "goon breakfast" (goon = aboriginal for pillow, meaning the cheap 4L-wine packs) we head off towards the Ekka (a festival) including horse races and other entertainment. It's a public holiday and we don't have uni. People dress up, so did I :-p.