Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2010

Travelling with Arne throughout AU and NZ

11th of December 2010 until the 16th of January 2011:

A couple of days ago, Arne and I started our big trip throughout Australia and New Zealand. Here is a chronological list of the destinations we went to during our travels:

  1. Brisbane (2 days)
  2. Fraser Island (3 days)
  3. Whitsunday Islands (4 days)
  4. Adelaide (2 days)
  5. Coorong NP and Mt Gambier (1 day each)
  6. Great Ocean Road (1 day)
  7. Melbourne and Phillip Island (2 days)
  8. Canberra (1 day)
  9. Blue Mountains (1 day)
  10. Sydney (2 days)
  1. Christchurch (1,5 day)
  2. Lake Tekapo (1 day)
  3. Queensland (1 day)
  4. Te Anau & Milford Sound (1 day)
  5. Gletscher & Westküste (1 day)
  6. Pancake Rocks (1 day)
  7. Abel Tasman National Park (1,5 days)
  8. Malborogh Sounds & Picton Ferry (1 day)
  9. Wellington & Masterton (1,5 days)
  10. Lake Taupo (1 day)
  11. Rotorua (1 day)
  12. Coromandel (1 day)
  13. Auckland (1,5 days)


1. Brisbane

And yet another sight seeing tour through Brissie. No, I don't mind that. It was pouring down in buckets when Arne arrived in South Bank. We couldn't do too much during the first day. We quickly walked through the city, botanic gardens and West End. Still we enjoyed it, planned our trip and had a few drinks at my old home in 12 Vulture Street.

2. Fraser Island

We took the Greyhound Bus from Roma Street Station to Rainbow Beach, near Fraser Island. It was still pouring and we thought, we made a big mistake in going up to Fraser instead of flying into the Outback to Ayers Rock.

After the 5,5 hour bus ride, it still didn't stop raining and we decided to go into a hostel near the bus stop in Rainbow beach. Camping would have simply been hell. The same day we rented a 4-wheel-drive car to go to Fraser the next day. We got the car on option to return it, if it was still raining heaps in the morning.

We were so incredibly lucky - it stopped to rain!!!

We had 2 beautiful days on Fraser island. We did it all by ourselves, which turned out to be the nicest way to explore the Island.

3. Whitsunday Islands

We flew from Brisbane to Hamilton Island. Bad decision, because, as it turned out, Hamilton Island is pretty snobby. Just a big resort for rich people, no chance to find campgrounds or hostels. We had to catch an expensive ferry to Airlie Beach, which I like to compare a little with Byron Bay. Lot's of backpackers inhabit this touristy little town on the mainland. Also most tours start off from Airlie.

We got on a 2 day, 2 night tour on a nice sailing ship called 'Mandrake'. We had to rent Stinger suits, because it was peak season for jelly fish.

Okay, we just returned from your sailing trip and I am still a little bit shacky. It feels so good to have solid ground under your feet.
The trip itself was touch. I guess, Arne and I took the cheapest crappiest boat there is. It was horrific. The boat was just filthy and I can't imagine working on the boat as a captain. We all, including the captain, slept together in small little bunk beds in the belly of the beast. It was such a bad air, humid and hot. The pillow was disgusting and people were snorring. The second night, Arne and I decided to sleep on deck. Sadly, a thunderstorm woke us up in the middle of the night and it was just pouring down in buckets. So we had to flee under deck, where it was even more humid. Let's just say I didn't get much sleep at all during the sailing trip.

But of course the most important thing for us was to see the Whitsunday Islands and the Great Barrier Reef. In terms of going to nice spots and doing some snorkeling, the trip wasn't too bad. We saw lots of nice little islands, went to nice spots of the Reef and the people on board were okay. The Reef was amazing! So many different, colourful fish and corals. So much nicer than the Reef in Florida.

No more Overnight-Sailing-Trips for me in the next couple of years! But it won't be the last time, I went diving or snorkeling.

4. Adelaide

When Arne and I arrived in Adelaide, it was quite late at night and we were lucky to get a taxi to take us to the YHA, which still had rooms available. The hostel was like a Palace for us. So much luxury comparing with the life on board of a Whitsunday Island- Sailing ship. We got a 4-bed dorm for just the two of us plus the YHA hostels are the best in Australia.

We spend two days in Adelaide exploring the city. I found Adelaide quite nice. We went through the inner city mall, to Central Market, the Zoo and many other places. The city is not as busy as Melbourne or Sydney, which are just packed with people and cars. Rush hour doesn't feel too bad either. It's just a lot more quiet than most bigger cities.

5. Coorong National Park and Mount Gambier

After leaving Adelaide in our little red retal car, we went down south through the Coorong National Park, where we spend the night throwing a frisbee (, which occacionally got lost), drinking GOON (cheap wine) and freezing in the tent. Yes, it actually is a lot colder down on the South Coast.

On thursday, the 23rd of December we arrived in Mount Gambier. Here we visited distant relatives of me, Kathrin and Gerret Springer. They let us stay in their spare room and we were enjoying internet, a decent shower, electricity and a nice bbq.

6. Great Ocean Road (GOR)

From Mount Gambier we drove along the GOR to Port Campbell. We went pass a few of the many highlights on the way. In the little tourist town we went on a expensive campground, which luckily had free wireless internet included. So we were able to check emails and update our internet blog. On the next morning we did the other half of the wonderfull GOR and drove to Melbourne. The most impressive Highlights were:
  • London Bridge
  • Loch and Gorge
  • Twelve Apostels
  • Thunder Cave

7. Melbourne and Phillip Island

We arrived in Melbourne on the 25th. We went straight to our BASE Hostel. We had to pay 40 bucks for a 8-bed-dorm, which just is a rip off. But what can you do? - its Chrismas time. We were lucky to get a room. At least we scored some free beer later on at night, which only got us started. We decided to celebrate Christmas with the locals on St. Kilda Beach, where our hostel and a lot of partys were. We took 2 liters of our special mix - Goon and Juice with us. BIG MISTAKE!!! We got totally wasted. I had to realise that I am not used to hardcore drinking anymore. Arne threw up, I thought I am man enough not to. BIG MISTAKE!!! Worst headache in the morning.

I had a hard time enjoying Melbourne the next morning. We went to the city (Federation Square) walked around, took a free bus around the city, went to the museum (for the third time and it was still awesome). Later on when we got back to our car in St. Kilda we drove another 2,5 hours to Phillip Island to see (very expensive) little Penguins. The weather was terribly cold and sometimes rainy. It was interesting and these little guys are just cute. The night we spent on an expensive campground on Phillip Island.

8. Canberra

We arrived in Canberra [Känbra] on the 28th. Besides a nice big fountain, the ambassys of the different countries and the Library, we saw the new Australian Parliament, which was really interesting. We went on a free tour (just like in Ottawa four years ago). It was really nice and after having a nice big Pizza we went to a reasonably cheap campground with a pool. The first thing we did was to jump in of course (with a bottle of goon).

9. Blue Mountains

When I drove through the Blue Mountains with Caro a little more than a month ago the weather was just awful. This time Arne and I were a lot better off. The sun was shining when we went on the road coming from the west through Lithgow pass Katoomba. On the way we stopped at some tourist information in Blackheath, which was very useful, for the nice employee told us where the nicest lookout points are. The first one also was the most amazing one.

We spend pretty much the half the day cruising from one lookout to the other. After the 5th or 6th we spend a couple of hours at some nice lake having a nice lunch and we also found a nice rope swing to catapult us into the lake – very refreshing.

We spend the night on a little public campground in our tent 1,5 hours away from Sydney.

Sydey – New Years Eve

It's Saturday the 31st of December 2010. The year and our stay in Australia has come to an end, which is greatly celebrated in Australia's biggest city (4,5 mio). The first day proved to be a lot more complicated then previously anticipated. We thought it wouldn't be a problem to go into the city and find some remote parking space. No chance! The whole city was locked up for the upcoming mega event. It seemed to us that the entire world wanted to celebrate with us... in Sydey. Luckily, we met Murat and Corinna (Germany) on the Sailing trip in the Whitsunday Islands. They were in Sydeny at the time and we wanted to meet up with them. They reserved (12 hours in advance!!!) the best spots right next to the HARBOUR BRIDGE looking at the OPERA HOUSE. It was awesome. We left the car somewhere further outside the city centre, near a little green patch of lawn, ideal for putting up a tent in the middle of the night :-P After that we went back to meet them and had to wait another 8 hours in 35 degrees until the fireworks started. It was a massive crowd of millions. Not at all my type of celebration but the view was just world class! Since we were not allowed to bring alcohol and we shared the tiny bit we had anyways, it was by far the most sober New Year Celebration I have EVER had!!!

Summing up: Probably the number 1 place in the world for New Years Celebrations ... BUT! way to many people + way too long to wait + way too sober.

The next day, after waking up at 8am after 5 hours of beautiful sleep and not the slightest hind of a headache, we took the train into city to do some hardcore sight seeing. We saw/ went on/to...

  • The Opera House

  • The Harbour Bridge

  • The MonoRail (over ground Metro)

  • Hyde Park

  • Shower in the YHA

  • Royal Botanical Gardens

  • Darling Harbour

  • Europcar (closed)

  • Sydney Tower

  • Mc Donalds (free Wifi)

  • Inner City

Sydney really has a lot to offer, but I am still very glad to leave. Especially after such an exhausting two days and when the next location is Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND!!! My beloved country of origin!!! Here we come!


1. Christchurch

We arrived in Christchurch just before midnight on the 2nd of January 2011. An hour later Europcar oppened and we picked up our little new vehicle.

2. Lake Tekapo

3. Queenstown

4. Te Anau & Milford Sound

5. Glacier & West Coast

6. Pancake Rocks

7. Abel Tasman National Park

8. Malborogh Sounds & Picton Ferry

9. Wellington & Masterton

10. Lake Taupo

11. Rotorua

12. Coromandel (Hot water Beach)

13. Auckland